Thursday, January 28, 2010

To Early

Good morning, or is it a grumpy morning? I woke up to the kids coming into my room and fighting and my daughters high pitched squeal. Oh how I miss waking up on my own or sleeping in till 9 or 10.

This morning I decided to make some oatmeal with my new Red Mill oats and my greek yogurt! Very yummy.

Lots of cleaning to do today and I might hit up this new class called BodyAttack at 5:30, It really depends on how I am feeling; my muscles are pretty sore so I might need to take a day off.

Last night didn't turn out like I wanted it to. He showed his head and downward spiral I went. Today is a new day tho and I am optimistic that I can get Him licked, if not I might need to spend my life saving to have his OFFED.

I decided that I am going to start saving for a tummy tuck. Nothing is more embarrassing then being in yoga class last night and in downward facing dog only to have my shirt start sliding up and seeing the lady behind me make the most god awful face. I can see it through my shirt and it looks like that scene from space balls where the alien comes out and you see his stomach rising. I just hate that when I jog it causes me pain in my skin because it bounces and hurts. I have no feeling in the lower half of my abdomen due to my c-section and they said it will never come back. Ugh. So, I am going to be paying for a consult to see how much it would cost for maybe that and my boob job; not fakes but a lift and maybe a very small implant to fill out the extra skin. It would be nice to get some of it done probono but this day and age who says anyone can afford to do that.

Well anyway, heres a picture from this morning breakfast. It is 3/4 cup oats and 1/2cp milk and 1/2cp water. 1 tablespoon peanutbutter,agave,and greek yogart with a full of Kashi Go Lean Cereal and a banana. Of course coffee was involved!


Valerie said...

You are so good at making super healthy meals! I think I make healthy meals, and then I look at your blog and I am not even close! lol... I need to re-learn how to cook better food, instead of the southern cooking that I am accustomed to. I am working on this! Hey, you should come check out my blog. I have had it a while, but forgot about for the last year or so. =) Just click on my face, I think, under the followers section. Love you!

Lost in Obsession said...

I left a comment the other day on it. :) I have been doing really awesome and have put some weght on but the positives are I have tons of energy again! WOOHOO